Saturday, 19 July 2014

500 Trashes

In this busy life of ours so often we forget to throw daily garbage in the bins as we have easier means to discard them like out of the window or on the street or anywhere but the dustbin.

One would see wafer packets, gutkha packets just lying everywhere around not to mention empty bottles, thermocol cups and plates.

The recent high tide at Shivaji Park where I stay gave back all this to the city. The roads were filled with plastic bags and it jammed the gutters on the road. The BMC took couple of hours to clean up the stuff. The beach is overtaken by some promenade which has come up and now there's hardly any sand left at the beach. Now we have a concrete Beach.

Amongst all this there is this guy who is seen every sunday at Shivaji Park picking up trash that comes his way. Once while helping him I asked how many does he collect and he said vote goes to this Citizen of India.

He collects 500 of these plates, glasses, packets, paper, bottles, bottle caps etc. every sunday. What an exercise. I have been seeing him doing this for past couple of months relentlessly.

If we just understood a bit of our Social responsibility it would go a long way in keeping our city clean without much effort.

Do your bit.....

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